Realizing Your True Nature
nonduality with Viivi Jokela
Realizing Your True Nature
nonduality with Viivi Jokela
sensing radiance
Realizing Your True Nature

To this dance
In open boundlessness

My name is Viivi.
I facilitate awakening in people who are inclined in that way.
Realizing truth directly is a possibility for YOU, if that is what you are genuinely interested in.
This is an invitation to inquire, attune and surrender.

Always complete, always unfolding
You are one primordial presence exploring its infinite potential.​
Awakeness is your true nature, always-already-occurring. Undivided wholeness and effortless ease is not far away or hidden.
I offer support in waking up from the dream of separation and unveiling your natural, timeless condition.

Who or what are you without referring to a single thought, memory or impression?
Awakening is clear-seeing that destroys the false sense of separation. The seer, the seeing and the seen are naturally one indivisible occurring.
I define awakening as a shift in perception in which the locus of identity moves from psychological processes to ineffable unknowability. It is not really possible to say what your true nature is. It knows itself through not knowing.
Awakening is ceasing to cherish illusions.

See my interview on BATGAP